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Mark Levin: The Voice We Need

For years Levin has been one of the leading voices in conservative talk radio. Given recent events, it makes sense that more people are turning to him in an unsettling time in American history.

Chrissy Paradis



Photo by Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0.

Mark Levin is asking the questions that impact everyone in the news broadcasting medium. Where there are many heroes that speak up on issues that are profoundly significant to the future of the political spectrum, the grenade that was thrown into the the center of the conservative media and social media world and what is going to happen if this downward spiral continues? He dispels fake news and more.

“I’m going to do something now. I want to strongly discourage any of you from attending the Biden inaugural or any of these other events that these capitals within our various states are being planned, as I read this FBI internal memo. I don’t know what’s planned, but the inauguration is. But I’d stay away from it. That is a form of protest, although that’s not a problem. But there may be violence there that’s caused by outsiders, it may be violence there that’s caused by morons.” Levin explained, even looking out for those who aren’t typically interested in much else than listening for finding an opportunity to further the narrative at hand inside the beltway.

“I intend to fight every one of these left-wing agenda items that these Democrats intend to impose on us. I intend to fight it with every fiber in my body, and we will do so under the Constitution and we will do it. And in 2022, it is my expectation we will take the house back and perhaps even the Senate. And put the brakes on all of this and as you know, I was one of the leading voices and wrote an entire book on convention of the state, so we need to get that thing fired up again.

We need to get these legislatures working. Republican legislatures. But if I were you. I would not attend any of these events. And they are going to be used against us no matter who’s behind them, and if some Trump people are behind them against the desire of the vast majority of the Trump people. That’s my view now. We’re now facing repression and oppression by the corporatists, not just big tech, but by banks, by big companies, by golf.”

“Now these media companies are interfering with my business, torturously interfering with what I do here, they’re interfering with my free speech and they are libeling me and I am monitoring them, as are others. They’re all thrown in, they’re all revealing themselves, and we need to sort through that to who’s going to get our business and who isn’t.”

Levin continued, as he spoke with conviction and eloquence that was as rousingly enticing as listening to your team hitting a buzzer beater or pick-six to beat their rival in the final seconds of the big game.

“But, we stand by our principles and good days and we stand by our principles and bad days, so we must continue to argue for freedom of speech. We must continue to argue for private property rights. We must continue to organize at the lowest levels of our system, of our communities and our government. We need to take this government back.”

The crescendo was followed by the facts that have been unfortunately difficult to accept by many; but Levin wouldn’t be the champion he is if he didn’t follow it up with a hopeful call to action that I truly believe was meant with the utmost sincerity.

“The electors have been counted. It’s over. But there’s two years from now and there’s four years from now, that’s the genius of the constitutional system, nothing is final. Will it be harder? Of course it’s going to be harder.”

Levin follows up his message with some advice for his audience.

 “I’m just saying, stay away from the hard hits, stay away from the fools. There have now been ninety arrests as a result of what happened last Wednesday– ninety. I’m sure hoping that The Washington Post or The New York Times will identify all these people. So far, they have done nothing, almost nothing. Cable TV, I sure hope they do too. But I’m a law and order conservative, I believe in civil society and I believe in the Constitution, and so do the tens of millions of you who listen to this program and read my books and watch me on TV.”

When you allow your politics to destroy your moral system. Then you have no moral system. That’s why you condemn violence and you defend the civil society.” Levin says of the importance of not trying to make any excuses for people who were involved with the events at the Capitol.

Bringing some amazing Bill Pullman style energy who just so happens to be my favorite President of all time, as he played the role of Commander in Chief in Independence Day, Levin reminds listeners down isn’t out and the future isn’t etched in stone.

“We’re not going to be dragged down by the thugs and the buffoons.”

Reminding listeners that dissent is not illegal but it is American, it’s not inciting violence to express oneself, effectively negating the constitutionality and legality to the bizarre, methodical design in which each of the dominoes fell; first silencing President Trump, second removing content that involved political analysis that showed any support for Trump and finally led to the thwarting of social media alternatives from personal devices, big technology.

“We’ve got to be smarter and more strategic.”

Though Levin is not planning to get down in the muck, nor does he make any unreasonable, historically inaccurate comment to further his agenda. This has been the loose framework exhibited by a select committee who’ve led a witch-hunt to silence the President—particularly when the President-Elect would have been another individual who’d have failed the arbitrary assessment enacted on the basis of handling the tragic events last week at the Capitol.

Meanwhile, President Trump’s hands were tied and his ability to communicate, speak with this country’s citizens to which he still represents as the Commander in Chief. A dynamic that even if this was flipped around, I would insist reverence and respect for an acting President. This dynamic and these asinine consequences have emulated a witch-hunt and lumped in essentially all conservative talk show voices and at times, all conservatives in general.

“This summer, when our streets were on fire and police were under attack and individuals were dying through these riots by Black Lives Matter and Antifa; Joe Biden never told people to stand down. Pelosi called police, storm troopers, Clyburn called police, storm troopers, but I’m telling people to stand down, I’m doing more than any of them have ever done. No violence.”

The reports that have been alleged in an article that was shared by Mark Levin on his show Monday, come on the heels of other private entertainment/tech companies barring the mention of content supporting President Trump from the airwaves. The company being accused has not responded to the claims according to the news outlet that initially made the report. But, Levin explained that the factors at okay here didn’t seem to be aligned with his experience or reflected in his or other coverage by conservative talk show hosts—rather, carefully placing a lit match on the pile of oil-soaked rags deliberately draped over the constitutional rights as they are set ablaze.

“Now, here’s the problem. I never got a memo. I never got any memo. Nobody threatened me. Nobody told me what I could and couldn’t say. Because if they did, you’d be hearing about it, but they didn’t. I don’t promote violence, but The Washington Post has a narrative.” shared Levin.

“And I have four years of broadcasts on our website I have no idea what this article is about, nobody told me to stop dog whistle talk.

‘Cumulus Media Talk Radio Company with a roster of popular right wing personalities, including Dan Bongino, Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro, has warned its hosts to steer clear of misinformation about election fraud.

I’ve never been warned about anything and I don’t need to be warned about anything. That’s The New York Times.”

Mark Levin reads the narrative aloud for listeners and discusses the libelous dynamic at play and the intention at the center of things.

“They’re after talk radio and they’re after Fox News. They have shut down Parler. Parler hopes to be back at the end of the week. They’re not going to try and pick off hosts on Fox or hosts on conservative radio by lying about them.”

“Now, these media companies are interfering with my business, torturously interfering with what I do here, they’re interfering with my free speech and they are libeling me and I am monitoring them, as are others.”

“They’re not going to shut me up under any circumstances. If something happens here or something happens on Fox or something like that, I will have digital TV and I’ll have my podcast. But nobody has threatened me. None of them. They’re trying to create a controversy where there is none whatsoever. None whatsoever. That’s The Washington Post, that’s The New York Times, that’s the corrupt media in America. It’s a disgrace, an absolute disgrace.”

Despite these incredulously totalitarian efforts, Levin has the hope that all hope is not lost and it’s not too late to rectify the future but it isn’t going to be an effortless process to prevent the political vitriol from engulfing our government’s political future in flames.

“In 2022, it is my expectation we will take the house back and perhaps even the Senate. And put the brakes on all of this. And as you know, I was one of the leading voices and wrote an entire book on convention of the state, so we need to get that thing fired up again.

“They’re all thrown in, they’re all revealing themselves, and we need to sort through that to who’s going to get our business and who isn’t. But we stand by our principles and good days and we stand by our principles and bad days, and so we must continue to argue for freedom of speech. We must continue to argue for private property rights. We must continue to organize at the lowest levels of our system, of our communities and our government. We need to take this government back.”

“The First Amendment’s under attack. Biden says the Second Amendment is going to be under attack. We have Democrat senators, some of whom have been utterly irresponsible, some for decades, wanting their colleagues expelled. Or censured or otherwise punished. You have lawyers, legal groups, students trying to disbar senators. Basically, doing what communist China does and they will bend to communist China, Amazon does. Apple does. Twitter does. Facebook does. But here, they are free. To target people with whom they disagree, if you look at this company Parler is not right wing / left-wing. Parler is any open platform.” explained Levin.

“And yet, The Washington Post and The New York Times—Twitter, which is its competitor, Amazon, Google and Facebook, have managed to to define it. To create a narrative around Parler that it must be a ‘proud boy site,’ when, in fact, there are millions and millions of people there now and it’s growing. And once it’s back at the end of the week, I think it’s really going to take off.” Follow Mark Levin and The Mark Levin Show airing daily on WW1.

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Dagen McDowell Is Ready For A New Adventure With Fox Business

“Every decision in America is born of policy, On the show, we bring that to our show. Talk about the news of the day.”

Jim Cryns



To know Dagen McDowell, you must understand what she comes from, where she comes from. You won’t know her until you know the lessons, kindness, and determination set forth by her parents.

Her parents operated a small grocery store, LW Roark and Company. Charles and Joyce McDowell were high school sweethearts and both went to college but decided to go back home and open a business. “This is in the middle of nowhere,” McDowell said. “It was a wholesale grocery store. They sold it in the late 90s.”

She said her parents were smart, encouraging, and took every opportunity to teach McDowell and her brother.

“They’d constantly talk up people who came into the store. Both of them have and had an insatiable curiosity about everything. They felt they learned things through their customers. It was more fun to learn about things from other people.”

McDowell’s parents never took a week off work. Never. The family took no vacations as most families would. Once while McDowell was in college at Wake Forest University, the family visited the Air and Space Museum on the Mall in D.C.

“Both of my parents were very interested in architecture and landscapes. We’d go to Williamsburg and just look at the buildings.”

McDowell joined FOX News Channel in 2003 and helped launch FOX Business Network as a founding anchor in 2007.

Her mother passed away three years ago and her father is still very much a part of her life. Her father was a constant teacher.

“One time my father, who we called Dowell McDowell, was putting up an outbuilding and asked me how long one line should be if the other line was such and such. He taught me the Pythagorean theorem when I was about 4 years old.”

McDowell was nurtured by parents with endless curiosity.

“I was raised by parents who would always debate and converse around the dinner table. We shared breakfast and dinner together every day. They loved learning, were always inquisitive, never afraid to ask a question. My parents shared a fearlessness and passed that on to me. I’ve never been embarrassed to ask people questions. I love talking to people and finding out about things.”

For a long time, McDowell had no idea what she wanted to do for a living. She knew if she worked at different jobs she’d eventually figure out what she was good at.

“I knew I was a decent writer, but I always tried to get information out of people, what they were doing. Ask if they were fulfilled and happy.”

At Wake, Forest McDowell majored in art history and had every intention of working in a museum, possibly as a curator.

“I interned at the Center for Contemporary Arts. I lived in Venice, Italy for a while. Wake Forest owns a house in Venice.”

After that it was Colorado. She moved back to New York during the recession of 1991 with a duffel bag. She took the Amtrak to New York City and sublet an apartment for six months.

“I had no TV, just a radio. I knew I could find something good to do in New York, there were so many jobs. I always wanted to live in the city. Either the city or way out in the country. Nowhere in between.”

She said being in New York made her feel anything was possible. This was January in 1994 when job ads were still in the physical newspaper, like the New York Times. McDowell interviewed at Institutional Investor through a referral from a friend.

“It was a brilliant magazine with terrific writing,” McDowell explained. “Very prominent in the industry. They were looking for someone to work with the newsletter written for the financial community.”

She’d cover topics like the bond business, Wall Street, and money management. The magazine made her take a reporting test where you’d make up a story and write it. She was offered a job and worked there for three years.

“I learned to be a journalist there,” McDowell said. “I could write but I became a better journalist. We’d break news, create our sources, and learn more and more about finance. People love to talk about what they do if you show interest.”

The next big job was, a resource and web newspaper for private investors. There McDowell wrote a personal finance column. She started doing commentary on television shows, the way a lot of people in different professions tend to do. “Then I started making more appearances on weekend financial or business shows,” McDowell said.

She got a call from Neil Cavuto about 20 years ago and he told McDowell, ‘Kid, you want a job? I know you don’t have much professional TV experience. We’ll give you some training and you’ll figure it out. If you do, you stay. If not, you go.’

McDowell said she was glad she was a writer first before she arrived at Fox. She writes her own scripts and has a background in finance and business writing.

“Before the business network was launched, they had only one business reporter and two senior business correspondents,” she said. “I’ve gotten to do so many different jobs, use different muscles, so to speak. As the years have passed I’ve discovered other talents I may have and I’m incredibly grateful for that.”

There’s a new show in town. McDowell and Sean Duffy will co-host The Bottom Line which will air on weeknights from 6-7:00 PM ET.

McDowell said she and Duffy come from extremely similar backgrounds. Duffy is from rural Wisconsin and McDowell is from Virginia.

“We know what small-town living is like, “McDowell said. “I might live in New York City but where I grew up affects the way I view the world. I’m still grounded in my hometown. On the show, we look south and west with everything we cover. You have to think of your audience. Rather than talking about them, we talk with them. That’s our shared background and vision. Sean is extremely down to earth and generous.”

McDowell said the show is not financially based, but steeped in business.

She said Duffy’s experience as a former U.S. Congressman, he understands policy as well as financial matters.

“Every decision in America is born of policy,” she said. “On the show, we bring that to our show. Talk about the news of the day.”

This is different from anything McDowell has done in the past.

“It’s a two-anchor show in the evening,” she explained. “This is not taking place during market hours. We tie all the business happenings together from the day. Again, it’s not about Washington or New York. It’s about the people we grew up with. We talk to them. Build a relationship with them on the air. For me, this is not just sitting in front of a camera. I can run off at the mouth as well as anyone, hang in there with the filibuster.”

McDowell says she is blunt, but hopes she isn’t rude. During a recent interview for the new show she used the terms ‘pig potatoes’ and ‘chapped backsides.’

“Those are terms I just made up,” she said. “I make up a lot of phrases and don’t always know what they mean. I have an entire repertoire of those kinds of phrases.”

Duffy assumed they were southern phrases he had to learn from McDowell, but she assured him she’d never heard them anywhere else.

“I’m just making stuff up,” McDowell said. “You can’t curse. Can’t say BS. At least you shouldn’t say BS on television. You don’t want to say manure. You never want to say something that makes people wince or evokes a smell.”

Dealing with people directly and bluntly seems to come from her mother.

“My mother had grit,” McDowell said. “She was also very kind, never syrupy. I used to say she had no magnolia-mouth.

That’s got to be a southern phrase.

McDowell said her mother was not a servile flatterer, but she was kind. Always there when somebody was in need.

“She had real grit. She’d stand and fight for her friends and family members.”

Her mother passed away after being diagnosed with stage-four cancer.

“She went through unimaginable pain,” McDowell said of her mother. “For nearly six years. You want to talk about somebody who was tough. There was nobody more pugnacious than my mother.”

She explained even with her illness, her mother was always on the go. Continuing to live her life. When questioned about being so active while she was ill, her mother continued to show grit.

“My mother would say she didn’t want to walk around looking like she had cancer. She asked, ‘What choice do I have? I could lay in bed and wait to die, or I can get up and do what I can .’”

McDowell said her mother’s illness taught her to be a caregiver in ways she never could have imagined. Her mother taught her to find moments of joy every single day, in the smallest of things.

“It can be as simple as telling a stranger to have a great day. Treat a perfect stranger with kindness. I do it all day long. I know it sounds corny, but I want to be known as a person who brings a casserole to a friend when they’re ill.”

A one-sheet from Fox tells you McDowell and the culmination of her background is perfect for The Bottom Line. The fact is, it’s true.

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Airing The Tyre Nichols Video Was A Necessity

There were hard moments to watch in those videos, hard sounds to hear. But they aired.

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Far be it for me not to address this outrageous and embarrassing instance in humanity. After the videos of Memphis police brutally beating Tyre Nichols were shown on television there really seemed to be more outrage emerging from society this time than from the media, for a change. One would think that’s how we wish things to be.

In instances like this, where the video and audio images are far from brief but are instead chaptered as they unfold, there are few options other than to let them run their course. Clocks — breaks hard and soft — are out the window, just as in live coverage.

Because that’s what this was, only the live this time was us, and as we all absorbed and reacted to actions disapprovingly familiar yet somehow foreign at the same time, the impact was still becoming apparent even though we already knew the outcome.

It’s happened before.

Not always like this but we’ve seen it before, police encounters shown on the news overtakes and become the news.

It takes effect as the sights and sounds are digested, dissected, and discussed, often before their potential impact could really be imagined.

In 1991, when the Handycam footage crossed screens for the first time and we learned Rodney King’s name, we didn’t know then but we had a feeling.

We were on the right track, though as newsrooms evolved and street reporting incorporated a different type of storytelling.

I was a cop in 1991. Changes came. Some.

It’s 2023, I’m no longer a cop. Changes will come again. Some.

Turning points — or the overused watershed moments — mean just as much to the news media as they do to law enforcement.

The “why’s” that make this a turning point are more society and community based this time around than they were in 1991.

At least I think so. And I don’t think it makes a bit of difference who’s involved this time.

There were hard moments to watch in those videos, and hard sounds to hear. But they aired. Where they couldn’t air, they were described in great detail; descriptions sometimes can be worse than the real thing. Sometimes, not this time.

And they should air, they shouldn’t stop airing. This is what happened and this is what people need to see and hear and this is exactly why we are here.

Warn them, provide them with a heads up that they’re not going to like what happens next. It’s life and we show life, and we show what some of us do with it when it’s someone else’s.

Overall, I would say the news platforms held their composure, even after the videos were released. I saw, read, and heard some refreshingly neutral coverage, even from outlets where I expected hard turns into the lanes on either side of the road.

Legitimate questions were asked by anchors and reporters and much of the time, the off-balance issues were raised more by those on the sidewalks and those on the other side of the cameras and microphones.

As much as I find myself in disagreement with what I often see on the cable networks — all the cable networks — I did find a sense of symmetry watching CNN’s Don Lemon speak with Memphis City Council Chair Martavius Jones in the hours after the videos were released.

Regular protocols be damned, Lemon and producers lingered patiently as Jones, visibly overcome by emotion, struggled to regain breath and composure enough to be able to speak. Rather than cut away or move to other elements, they stood fast and it became an example of what often requires no words.

There were fewer punches pulled on other platforms as well.

The sounds of the screams, the impacts, and the hate-filled commands were broadcast through car radios.

As were Tyre Nichol’s calls for his mom. They aired. They had to.

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Does the Republican Establishment Get It?

For many it seemed that the Republican establishment stood idly by as Democrats changed the rules and worked behind the scenes to alter elections.

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In a move that seemed to go against the wishes of the patriotic American grassroots, the Republican party on Friday re-elected RNC Chairperson Ronna McDaniel. 

The media immediately took notice, as many on television and radio are now wondering why the party would re-elect a chairperson who has been so unpopular with the base of its party. 

Grant Stinchfield discussed this issue Friday night on his program, Stinchfield Tonight, which airs on Real America’s Voice network.

“Ronna McDaniel holds on to her chairmanship of the Republican Party. By a whopping total of — what were the numbers– 111 to 54. Harmeet Dhillon only received 54 votes. Mike Lindell 4 votes. This is proof to me that the Republican establishment is dug in,” Stinchfield — formerly of Newsmax — said. “Don’t tell me they’re out of touch. See, you tell me they’re out of touch, that implies ignorance. They’re not ignorant about anything.”

As sentiment for Dhillon grew in the days leading up to Friday’s vote, many influential politicians and party donors publicly offered her their support and endorsement. These included Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), as well as donors Mike Rydin, Dick Uihlein, and Bernie Marcus.

Also on board were musician and outspoken conservative John Rich, along with the state GOP of Nebraska and Washington State. Countless journalists and media personalities, such as Charlie Kirk, Miranda Divine, and Lou Dobbs, also came out publicly in support of Dhillon. Former President Donald Trump remained neutral, not making a public choice of either of the three candidates.

For many of Dhillon’s supporters, the deciding factor was public sentiment across the party’s base.

“They’re reading the same chat boards. They’re getting the same emails I’m reading. I will literally post something about this race when I was supporting Harmeet Dhillon. There was not one comment – not one – that supported Ronna McDaniel. Everyone wanted change,” Stinchfield said, noting that the party elite saw the same groundswell of support for change.

“Now, nobody has an issue as Ronna McDaniel is some evil kind of person. I don’t believe she is. I believe, though, that she is part of the establishment. She’s been around too long as far as the establishment goes. And she’s been ingrained in doing business as usual. It’s not working.”

In making their choices known, many Dhillon supporters simply pointed to the scoreboard during McDaniel’s reign.

“Think about where we are. 2018, we lost the House. 2020, we lost everything. 2022, we won the House, but we should have really steamrolled the House and we should have taken back the Senate, which we didn’t do,” Stinchfield said. “That means we’re on a real losing track since she took over. I don’t like being on a losing track. I like being on a winning track.

“Something has got to change when you talk about all of this. So how does Ronna McDaniel get 111 votes and Harmeet Dhillon only get 54 votes, when everyone, every Republican voter I talk to said it was time for change?” pondered Stinchfield.

And even more than the losses, for many it seemed that the Republican establishment stood idly by as Democrats changed the rules and worked behind the scenes to alter elections. The most recent example of which came in Arizona, where presumptive gubernatorial favorite, Kari Lake, was “defeated” when countless voting irregularities occurred in some of the state’s most deep-red areas.

“Under her watch, Democrats instituted a mail-in ballot scheme. That may be even worse than losing, when you talk about the House and the Senate and all these things. The fact that we now have a junk mail-in ballot scheme across the country under Ronna McDaniel’s watch is serious trouble. Very serious trouble,” Stinchfield said on Friday. “And so the reason it is is because the Democrats are rigging the system.”

For years – until Donald Trump descended the golden escalator and took the world by storm – the Republican party had the reputation of being the party of the rich. Rush Limbaugh used to refer to this wing of Republicans as “the country club crowd.” President Donald Trump flipped the narrative completely, offering a clear vision of hope and patriotism to working-class America.

Reputable polling — such as Richard Baris’ Big Data Poll — consistently showed Trump running well ahead of almost every Republican candidate during the 2022 mid-term election cycle. In other words, Trump still maintains considerably more support across the country than most of the individual Senate or House candidates experienced.

Many experts believe this is because voters still view Trump as an outsider, while they view the Republican party much less favorably.

“Let’s tell you how out of touch they are, how elitist they are,” Stinchfield said, calling out the GOP establishment. “This meeting that went on, do you know where it is? It’s at the Waldorf Astoria Monarch in California. One of the most expensive resorts in America. You’re lucky if you get a room for a thousand dollars a night down there on Dana Point. Now, it’s a beautiful hotel, but why is the Republican Party holding an event there? Then I went back and I looked at what RedState did. RedState went back and looked at some of the expenses that the Republican Party under Ronna McDaniel’s leadership was spending money on.

“Take a look at this. $3.1 million on private jets. $1.3 million on limousine and chauffeur services. $17.1 million on donor mementos. $750,000 on floral arrangements. Now you compare this to the Democrats. The Democrats spent $35,000 on private airfare. A thousand dollars on floral arrangements. A thousand. Not $750,000. A thousand. And the $17.1 million they spent on donor mementos, the Democrats spent $1.5 million.

“Democrats know where to put the money. It’s not giving donors gifts. Donors shouldn’t want gifts. If you give money, give money. You don’t need the fancy pin to put on your lapel.”

Following her loss, Dhillon warned her party that it must listen to the base, saying, “if we ignore this message, I think it’s at our peril. It’s at our peril personally, as party leaders and it’s at our peril for our party in general.”

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